Spinal Cord Disorders

Herniated Disc:

A condition where the gel-like core of an intervertebral disc protrudes through the surrounding fibrous ring, which can press on the nerve roots and cause pain, numbness, and weakness in the arms or legs. Acupuncture can help reduce inflammation and alleviate pain.

Spinal Stenosis:

A condition where the channels or openings of the spine narrow, resulting in compression of the spinal cord and/or nerve roots, leading to pain, numbness, and weakness in the legs. Acupuncture can help alleviate symptoms by reducing muscle spasms and improving blood circulation in the area.

Lower Back Pain:

A common condition involving pain in the lower back, which can be caused by various factors including muscle strains, disc problems, or arthritis. Acupuncture can help relieve pain by releasing endorphins and improving blood flow to the affected area.


A condition where the sciatic nerve becomes pinched or irritated, causing pain, numbness, and weakness along the path of the sciatic nerve from the lower back down the leg. Acupuncture can help reduce inflammation and relieve pain by stimulating the body's natural pain-relieving mechanisms.


A condition where a spinal vertebra slips forward relative to the underlying vertebra, which can cause back pain, reduced mobility, and compression of the nerve roots. Acupuncture can help alleviate pain and improve muscle strength and flexibility around the affected area.

Facet Joint Syndrome:

A condition where joints in the spine, known as facet joints, become inflamed or worn, causing pain and stiffness in the back. Acupuncture can help relieve pain and improve mobility by reducing inflammation and muscle tension.

Spinal Cord Tumors:

Tumors that develop in or around the spinal cord, which can cause pain, neurological problems, and in severe cases, paralysis. Acupuncture can help alleviate pain and improve quality of life by reducing inflammation and strengthening the body's immune response.


A condition where bone density decreases, making the bones weaker and more prone to fracture, including the vertebrae, which can lead to back pain and loss of height. Acupuncture can help relieve pain and improve bone health by increasing blood circulation and stimulating bone growth.

Spinal Cord Compression:

A condition where the spinal cord becomes compressed or pinched due to a tumor, fracture, or other cause, leading to pain, numbness, and paralysis. Acupuncture can help alleviate pain and improve function by reducing inflammation and enhancing nerve function.