Peder Bo Christensen
Åsumvej 263, 5240 Odense NØ
Tlf: 42921441
Email: info@auriculo.dk
What is neuro acupuncture?
Neuro acupuncture is a modern acupuncture technique that is based on western medical knowledge of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology. Neuro acupuncture is an advanced technique for the treatment of acute and chronic disorders of the central nervous system.
What can be treated with neuro acupuncture?
At the clinic, neurodegenerative diseases and autoimmune diseases are treated, including Alzheimer's (AD), Parkinson's (PD), multiple sclerosis, motor neuron diseases, cerebral palsy, movement disorders, apoplexy (blood clot in the brain and cerebral haemorrhage),
impaired memory, impaired concentration and emotional disturbances, chronic inflammatory bowel disease, psoriasis, low/high metabolism, diabetes, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, peripheral neuropathy (nerve pain), paresis/paralysis of arm, leg or foot, pain in legs and feet, phantom pain, numbness and tingling in the legs and feet
in addition, the following are treated:
General pain (muscle, joint, nerve), late effects after cancer-operation-corona, migraine, urinary tract disorders, trigeminal neuralgia, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, stress, depression, incontinence, heel spurs, pain in the musculoskeletal system (foot, knee, hip, shoulder, neck , back) impotence, decreased libido, infertility, neurodermatitis, shingles
All treatments carried out at the clinic are based on the latest research in the field. All treatments are carried out according to transparency, results and evidence. See more under treatments.
Read more about the diseases and disorders treated at the clinic: click here.
All people have the right to good health and a life without pain, and I have had the pleasure of being able to help many pain patients to a greater quality of life. As an licensed neuro acupuncturist, I have extensive experience in pain physiology and pain treatment of physiological, rheumatic and neuropathic pain.
At the clinic for the first time
When you come to me for the first time, we have a thorough discussion about your condition and what you can expect from the treatment and how it will proceed. After this, I will carry out an examination and plan the treatment, which lasts approx. 1 hour.
Do you want to know more or make an appointment?
If you are interested in hearing more about the treatments I offer, take a look at the website. You are also welcome to contact me by phone or email.
You can book an appointment with me here
You are always welcome to contact me if you have any questions.
Åsumvej 263, 5240 Odense NØ
Tlf: 42921441
Email: info@auriculo.dk
Peder Bo Christensen
Licensed Neuro Acupuncturist,
Cand. Merc., MSc.(TA), L.Ac
Neuro akupuncture, MTA acupuncture,
Medical acupuncture
Åsumvej 263, 5240 Odense NØ
Tlf: 42921441
Email: info@auriculo.dk
Akupunktur hjælper mod
kroniske smerter
En amerikansk forskergruppe har fundet
bevis for, at akupunktur hjælper mod
kroniske smerter. Forskerne har lavet en
stor metaanalyse af 29 undersøgelser af akupunkturens gavnlige virkning.
Forskerne kalder metaanalysen det mest robuste bevis på, at akupunktur har en
effekt på kronisk smerte.
Akupunkturens effektivitet ved stressrelaterede symptomer
Forskningsundersøgelser viser, at akupunktur stimulerer centralnervesystemet og hjælper
med at frigive naturlige kropslige kemikalier og ændre biologiske processer, herunder den måde, en person føler smerter, vrede og
stress på. Faktisk rapporterede en akupunktur-undersøgelse fra Verdenssundheds-organisationen i 2003, at akupunktur påvirker kroppen på mange niveauer
Akupunktur er en behandlingsmetode, hvor der findes en del dokumentation for effekten. Nedenfor kan du se forskningsresultater, som alle er oversat til dansk. Der kan dog være termer, som kan være svære at forstå, men nederst i oversættelserne kan du læse forskningsresultatets konklusion. Nedenstående resultater er kun et lille udpluk af den forskning, der findes på området.
Peder Bo Christensen
Tlf: 42921441
Email: info@auriculo.dk
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