Peder Bo Christensen
Neuro acupuncture is a modern acupuncture technique that bridges traditional Chinese needle methods with Western medical knowledge of neurology, neuroscience, and neurological rehabilitation. Neuro acupuncture is an advanced technique effective for treating acute and chronic disorders of the central nervous system.
I work with three forms of neuro acupuncture, all based on the function of the nervous system.
Through the central nervous system and the endocrine system, the brain's structural, metabolic, hormonal, and vital functions are accessible at specific areas on the scalp's surface and particular points on the extremities (arms and legs). By stimulating these reflex areas through specific manipulation, the functional activities of the brain and body can be regulated and harmonized.
Modern research has demonstrated neuro acupuncture's effects on the nervous system, the endocrine and immune systems, the cardiovascular system, and the digestive system.
The treatments I perform at the clinic are all based on the latest research in the field. All treatments are carried out according to results and evidence. See under treatments.
Peder Bo Christensen
Tlf: 42921441
Email: info@auriculo.dk
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