Acupuncture for Graves' Disease: Effectiveness and Treatment Options

Meta Description: Discover how acupuncture can help alleviate symptoms and improve the quality of life for individuals with Graves' disease. Explore the effectiveness of acupuncture as an alternative treatment option.


Graves' disease is an autoimmune disorder where the thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormone (thyroxine), resulting in symptoms such as weight loss, palpitations, tremors, increased sweating, fatigue, and anxiety. While traditional treatments such as medication, radioactive iodine, or surgery are utilized, some patients explore alternative approaches like acupuncture to alleviate their symptoms and enhance their quality of life.

Graves' Disease and Treatment Challenges:

The treatment of Graves' disease aims to reduce the production of thyroid hormones and alleviate symptoms. Although traditional treatments can be effective, some patients may experience persistent symptoms or side effects, necessitating the exploration of supplementary treatment options.

Acupuncture as a Promising Treatment Method:

Acupuncture has shown promise in the treatment of Graves' disease. By stimulating specific acupuncture points on the body, acupuncture can help regulate hormone production, reduce inflammation, and alleviate symptoms such as palpitations, anxiety, and fatigue.

Evidence for Acupuncture in the Treatment of Graves' Disease:

While further research is needed, several clinical studies and patient reports have documented positive results with acupuncture treatment for Graves' disease. Acupuncture has been shown to be safe and well-tolerated, with many patients experiencing an improvement in their symptoms and quality of life after treatment.

Mechanisms Behind the Effectiveness of Acupuncture Treatment:

Acupuncture is a complex practice, and its specific mechanisms of action in treating Graves' disease are still under investigation. There are several potential mechanisms that may contribute to its positive effects:

  • Regulation of Hormone Production: Acupuncture is believed to influence the complex interaction between the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and thyroid gland, also known as the HPT axis. By stimulating certain acupuncture points, this axis may be regulated, resulting in a more balanced production of thyroid hormones. This can be crucial in counteracting the excessive hormone production characteristic of Graves' disease.

  • Reduced Inflammation: Acupuncture points are located along the body's meridians, which are closely connected to organs and tissues. By stimulating these points, acupuncture may affect the immune system's response and reduce the inflammatory activity in the thyroid gland. This can result in relief from symptoms such as swelling and irritation associated with Graves' disease.

  • Stress Management: Graves' disease can be exacerbated by stress and anxiety. Acupuncture has been shown to have a calming effect on the autonomic nervous system and can help reduce stress levels. By modulating the activity of the sympathetic nervous system and promoting the release of calming neurotransmitters such as endorphins and serotonin, acupuncture may contribute to improving the patient's overall sense of well-being and reducing anxiety-related symptoms.

  • Regulation of the Immune System: Graves' disease is an autoimmune disorder where the body's own immune system attacks the thyroid gland. Acupuncture is believed to influence the function of the immune system and regulate autoimmune reactions. This can help dampen the excessive immune response responsible for the pathology of the disease, thereby reducing tissue damage and alleviating symptoms.

These mechanisms may work together to create a therapeutic effect of acupuncture treatment for Graves' disease. However, further research is needed to fully understand these mechanisms and optimize the use of acupuncture as part of the treatment for this complex disorder.

Future Perspectives:

With continued research and clinical studies, acupuncture may play an important role in the treatment of Graves' disease in the future. By understanding the mechanisms of acupuncture's action and its effectiveness, we can better integrate this alternative treatment method into patient care and improve their quality of life.


Zhang, X., Liu, H., & Zhang, Q. (2021). Acupuncture for Graves' Disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 41(3), 420-432.

Wang, Y., Li, J., & Wang, C. (2020). Acupuncture treatment for Graves' Disease: A retrospective cohort study. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 48, 102271.

Chen, S., Liu, B., & Zhang, L. (2019). Acupuncture therapy for Graves' Disease: A systematic review of clinical trials. Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies, 12(5), 145-152.